Upload your porn videos to PornDig
In addition to being 100% free, Porndig alllows you to share your porn videos!
But beware, on Porndig we focus foremost on quality!
To be sure that your submissions are accepted, please observe the following conditions:
For videos
HD Videos - 2 GB maximum - 8 minutes minimum (3 if amateur video) - 4 hours maximum
For the Stories
Vertical videos - 5 seconds minimum - 8 minutes maximum
Please note that videos, photos, GIF with the logo or the name of another content hosting provider are not allowed.
Our automatic validation algorithm systematically refuses all videos that do not meet the criteria.
On the other hand, when writing the title and description use a spell checker so that your text is also of good quality.
Once registered you will be able to send your videos using our upload form or the private Ftp account you will be assigned.